Date: Monday, July 11, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: WITCC Campus - Sioux City, Board Room A507

WITCC Mission

As a comprehensive community college, our mission is to provide quality education and to economically enhance the communities we serve.

Board Members

Russell Wray, President | Tricia Sutherland, Vice President | Neal Adler | Blanca Martinez | Linnea Fletcher | Jeremy Ogle | Al Aymar | Derrick Franck
Brenda Wright, Board Secretary 
Absent: Bill Anderson


Terry Murrell, College President | Juline Albert, VP of Learning | Troy Jasman, VP of Finance and Administrative Services | Darin Moeller, Executive Dean of Instruction | Mike Logan, Dean of Information Technology | Jackie Plendl, Dean of Human Resources | Tawnya Beermann, Dean of Students | Christina Brandon, Interim Dean of Outreach and Information Technology


Dr. Erin Volk, Director of Institutional Research and Resource Development | Tito Parker, Associate Dean of Students | Kevin Criddle, Lead Safety Officer | Jennifer McCune, Accounting Instructor | Kevin Woockman, Director of Building Trades and Apprenticeships | Alejandra Flores Gutierrez, Director of TRIO SSS and Veterans & Military Services | Lily Castro, Director of Special Programs | Lynda Grasso, Instructor | Ayden Monroe, Student | Peyton Salberg | Carmen Wilson, Associate Dean - Corporate College


Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm.

Roll Call of Directors was taken by Brenda Wright.

Colby Drey – student in Physical Therapist Assistant program, spoke to the board during Oral Communications. Oral Communications ended at 4:04 pm.

There were no Written Communications.

Motion to approve consent items by Derrick Franck and seconded by Neal Adler.  All in favor. Motion granted.

Christina brought forward the Summer Camps Report. She introduced Lynda Grasso (instructor for the camp) and two students that participated in the summer camp. This is the first time we’ve had summer camps since 2019. We had camps on the Sioux City, Denison, and Cherokee campuses. Verizon camp in Sioux City had 75 students, and Denison started today with 75 students also. 

Jackie Plendl conveyed many thanks from Tito Parker for his participation in ICCLI.  Jackie also nominated Teresa McElroy to participate in 2022-2023. Jeremy Ogle made a motion and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.

Jackie introduced Kevin Criddle to the Board.  Kevin reported on his participation in LINC. Jennifer McCune also submitted per thanks.  Jackie nominated Steven Garcia and Matt Smith to participate in 2022-2023.  Linnea made a motion to approve the nominations and it was seconded by Jeremy Ogle.  All were in favor. Motion carried. 

Jackie Plendl introduced Kevin Woockman and Alejandra Gutierrez to speak about their experiences in Leadership Siouxland Program They both thanked the board for allowing them to attend. It was a great experience.  Jackie then nominated Josh Von Zweeden and LaShawna Moyle for the 2022-2023 year.  Derrick Frank motioned to approve and Al Aymar seconded the nomination. All were in favor and motion was carried.

Erin Volk reported on Educational Outcomes. She explained the charts and showed which careers our graduates are going into.

Troy Jasman and Carmen Wilson presented the Project Home Agreement for approval. No changes from last year’s contract. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Neal Adler.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

Troy Jasman and Carmen also requested funds to purchase a new Truck Driving Simulator.  The old simulator lasted 12 years and has stopped working.  The simulator is used daily by our students.  Derrick Franck made a motion to approve the purchase and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

Troy Jasman also requested funding to purchase some Instructional Equipment for tables and chairs in Cherokee, Denison, and Sioux City.  Tricia made a motion to approve the purchase and Jeremy Ogle seconded.  All were in favor and motion was carried.

Troy Jasman requested the approval to Publication of Annual Report. Each year we have to print a listing of all payments the college has made.  We requested bids from local newspapers. The Sergeant Bluff Advocate came in with the low bid again this year.  We will publish on August 11.  Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Neal Adler.  All in favor and motion was carried.

Tawnya Beermann and Lily Castro requested approval of the Project Success Contract for the 2022-2023 academic year. Jeremy Ogle made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Tricia Sutherland.  All in favor and motion was carried.

Terry Murrell presented the request for a new board policy, New Shared Governance Board Policy – for a first reading. Terry explained that in our strategic initiative talk about contribution to the community.  With this policy, a committee will be formed to review suggestion on different opportunities to contribute to the community. Suggestions go to committee then to a council – then final approval by executive council and board if necessary. This will tie in the whole process.

A motion was made by Derrick Frank to appoint Brenda Wright as Board Secretary and Troy Jasman as Board Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Jeremy Ogle.  All were in favor and motion was carried. Appointment of Secretary and Treasurer, Chapter 279.3, Oath of Office, Chapter 277.28, Code of Iowa, 2022 and required bond Chapter 291.2. Salary determined when Meet and Confer salaries are considered. Board President, Russell Wray gave the Oath of Office to both Brenda and Troy.

Derrick Franck gave a report from the Audit and Finance Committee.  Today they met with Mike Tramp and learned about the procedures used in the audit. They also received some cheat sheets that were posted in the DropBox folder.  These are very helpful and recommends all board members to look it over.

Derrick also explained that there was not a meeting this month for Community Colleges for Iowa Report. They will meet next week at the conference.

Terry Murrell gave his President’s Report

  1. 2022 Fall Semester Enrollment
    Fall enrollment numbers are coming in.  Still don’t have a good feeling as to how we are going to turn out. Still too early to get a feel.
  2. Amperage Update
    This is the group that did brand research on the college.  We will invite them to come to a future board meeting. 
  3. Community Colleges for Iowa Conference Update
    Conference is next week.
    The schedule has been printed. Please check pages 15-21 for all of the breakout sessions. There’s an assignment sheet for which sessions each board member would introduce. 
  4. WITCC In the News in addendum JUL-22-14, pages 71-76

Derrick Franck made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Blanca Martinez.  All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 4:59 pm.