The American taxpayers have entered into an agreement with you by investing tax dollars in grants and loans for your education at Western Iowa Tech. This investment places a serious responsibility on you to complete your education according to the agreement with the American taxpayers. If you fail to complete your education, the American taxpayers are entitled to receive back (from you) a portion of their investment.

Withdrawal is defined as dropping all classes and having no credit hours for a given semester.

A student officially withdraws from school when:

  • The student submits a written notice of total withdrawal to a Registration Center. (A signed official withdrawal form or other written notice with the student’s signature constitutes a written notice.) OR
  • The student calls a Registration Center at any of the Western Iowa Tech campuses and declares his/her intent to withdraw from all courses. The student must supply all information requested by the registration clerk or the withdrawal will not be considered official or completed.
  • The date of official withdrawal will be the date the written notice is received in the Registration Center or the date the student’s phone call is received. 

A student will be considered to have unofficially withdrawn when:

  • The student does not complete the official withdrawal process. AND
  • All of the student’s instructors report that the student is no longer attending classes; you fail all of your classes or never participate in your classes.
  • The date of unofficial withdrawal will be based on class participation records as provided by the student’s instructor(s). For online courses, the student must actively participate in the course.
  • If the student wishes to document participation, it is the student’s responsibility to have his/her instructors send an e-mail to the Financial Aid Office stating the last date the student participated in an academically related activity which was part of the course of instruction.

Consequences of Withdrawal and Financial Aid

A student receiving federal financial assistance may have his/her financial aid adjusted based on his/her date of official or unofficial withdrawal.

Procedure for Repaying the US Government

If you owe a repayment of grants to the US Government, you will remain ineligible for federal aid until you resolve your repayment. If you owe a repayment for grants received at Western Iowa Tech, it may be possible to resolve your repayment at the Student Accounts Office. Contact the Student Accounts Office for details.

If you do not contact the Student Accounts Office within 15 days of receiving notice and schedule your repayment, you will be turned over to the US Department of Education for collection. If you are referred to the Department of Education, you will remain ineligible for federal aid until the college receives notice from the Department of Education that you have re-established your eligibility.

Carefully read all correspondence received from Western Iowa Tech in case there is a change in your financial obligation to the college or your financial aid eligibility.

If you have any question about the effect of the Return of Funds to the federal aid programs, contact the Financial Aid Office.